D-Viral is on EPA’s List N for COVID disinfection, and approved for emerging viral pathogen claims. It has demonstrated effectiveness against viruses similar to COVID-19 on hard, non-porous surfaces. Therefore D-Viral can be used against COVID-19 when used in accordance with directions for use against COVID-19 on hard, non-porous surfaces. Refer to the CDC www.cdc.gov for additional information.
D-Viral has been tested against the following viruses and bacteria, all with a 10 minute contact time for elimination:
While other disinfectants boast a long laundry list of ingredients and side effects, D-Viral has only TWO ingredients. One of them is water, making up 99.98% of the solution. The remaining ingredient is Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2). Chlorine Dioxide is not chlorine, nor bleach. Saying that ClO2 has “chlorine” in it is like saying that H2O has “hydrogen” in it. While there is a chlorine atom in the makeup of ClO2, this is not the same as pure Chlorine or Bleach. Chlorine Dioxide is an oxidizer than breaks down into water, oxygen, and salt. Parents with young kids can feel confident in using a disinfectant at home that is approved by the EPA to eliminate viruses and bacteria, but is gentle in its byproducts compared to other common brands!
D-Viral can be used on high traffic areas that need routine disinfecting in ANY and ALL of these settings:
Homes, vehicles, schools, restaurants, food service, daycare, gyms, locker rooms, sports gear, hospitals, nursing homes, food prep and kitchens, movie theaters, bowling alleys, laundry rooms, veterinary, ambulances, laboratories, restaurants, boats, ships, federally inspected meat & poultry processing plants, farms, animal pens and poultry houses, refrigerated storage units, HVAC and AC systems, airplanes, trains, trucks, boats, buses, automobiles, recreational vehicles, botanical facilities, commercial greenhouses, customer/public areas, floral shops, garden centers, horticultural facilities, plant growing facilities, and much much more!
D-Viral can be used to disinfect pre-cleaned hard non-porous surfaces such as glass, plastic, painted wood, laminate, chrome, stainless steel, polyurethane coated hardwood floors, glazed ceramic tile, sealed concrete & linoleum floors. Types of items include: Exterior of appliances, bed frames, cabinet handles, wheelchairs, child car seats, counters, cribs, doorknobs, tables, tubs, exterior toilet surfaces, faucet handles, handrails, jungle gyms, keyboards, light switch covers, patio furniture, showers, sinks, stovetops, telephones, toys, walls, waste containers.
1) Remove visible soil by cleaning. You can use D-Viral to remove the visible soil. Spray product straight onto soils, scrub and wipe clean with a dry paper towel or cloth.
2) Apply D-Viral to pre-cleaned hard non-porous surfaces, wetting thoroughly with spray, sponge, mop, or by immersion in solution.
3) Allow surfaces to remain visibly wet for 10 minutes for virus inactivation and bacteria disinfection.
Once dry, D-Viral leaves behind ZERO residue or film...just a clean surface.
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